K-State's 48 Fallen
The 1923 Royal Purple yearbook was dedicated to the 48 fallen K-Staters. A rendering
of Memorial Stadium is featured on the cover of the yearbook.
The foreword reads: To honor those Aggie men whose sacrifice in the Great War was supreme; to perpetuate
their memory even as that structure rising upon the athletic field shall stand an
imperishable monument to an imperishable spirit; to guard the pages too soon destroyed
of a story too soon forgotten...
1923 Royal Purple yearbook tribute to the fallen
Not unto ancient angry gods,
Nor unto earthly potentates,
We offer honor,
But unto those who lately went out from us,
Being of our kind and kin
And representing us and this our college,
And who, being ours, died in our stead,
Pouring the blood of Kansas on the fields of France.
To them, our comrades now beyond
the veil,
We dedicate this Royal Purple,
The purple still more regal for
their sacrifice,
The pages brighter for their
stars that rise.
— N.A. Crawford
Ongoing commemoration of the centennial anniversary of each 48 fallen
The Kansas State University Pershing Rifles laid a wreath in honor of Private Lester Hanawalt, who died of pneumonia while serving with the United States Army Signal Corps during World War I. Pvt. Hanawalt was a member of the 48 Fallen and former student of the Kansas State Agricultural College. The KSU Pershing Rifles are conducting honor guards and ceremonial tributes on the centennial anniversary of each of the 48 Fallen. When school is in session they perform 24-hour Silent Guards and when classes are not in session, as in this case, they lay a wreath in tribute. Pvt. Hanawalt is buried in small cemetery near the Nebraska border next to his brother, who also died during the war.
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K-State's 48 Fallen

Henry C. Altman
Amy, Kansas
Born March 10, 1899
Attended KSAC 1914-1918
Enlisted March 1918, 9th Co. C. A. C.
Died April 11, 1918, Fort Logan, Colorado

Emory E. Baird
Topeka, Kansas
Born Jan. 28, 1892
Attended KSAC 1912-13
Company C, 7th Infantry AEF
Killed in action June 22, 1918

Ralph V. Baker
Manhattan, Kansas
Born Mary 8, 1895
Veterinary Medicine, KSAC 1913-1917
Enlisted April 1917, 15th F. A. AEF
Died Oct. 4, 1918

Joseph P. Ball
Independence, Kansas
Born Nov. 22, 1891
Electrical Engineer, KSAC 1915-1917
Enlisted April 1917, 60th Regt. C.A.C.
Killed in action Nov. 1, 1918

Deland E. Bates
Cottonwood Falls, Kansas
Born Dec. 22, 1895
Electrical Engineer, KSAC 1914-1915
Enlisted June 1917, Co. M, Third Regt.
Died Aug. 23, 1917

George O. Beeler
Junction City, Kansas
Attended KSAC, 1916-1917
Enlisted Navy, July 10, 1918
Died Oct. 13, 1918

Walter M. Blackledge
Onaga, Kansas
Born Nov. 21, 1897
General Science, KSAC 1916-1917
Corporal Co. K, 137th Inf.
Killed in action, Sept. 28, 1918

Walter O. Brueckmann
Kansas City, Kansas
Born July 3, 1896
Agriculture, KSAC 1914-1915
Co. 31, Third Regt., 164th Depot Brigade
Died Oct. 13, 1918

MacArthur B. Brush
Newton, Kansas
Born July 24, 1890
B.S. degree, Agriculture, KSAC 1916
Enlisted Medical Corps, 354th Inf.
Died March 15, 1918

William T. Cleland
Alma, Kansas
Born Feb. 13, 1898
Agriculture, KSAC 1913-1916
Enlisted Navy, April 17, 1918
Died May 26, 1918

Willis E. Comfort
Manhattan, Kansas
Born Jan. 27, 1892
B.S. degree, C.E. KSAS 1918
Capt. U.S. Inf., Croix de Geurre, D.S.C.
Killed in action July 18, 1918

George A. Cunningham
Cheney, Kansas
Born Dec. 16, 1897
B.S. degree E.E. KSAC June 1917
Enlisted August 1971, Lieut. Aviation
Died Oct. 20, 1918, Detroit, Michigan

Glenn W. Davis
Manhattan, Kansas
Born Sept. 28, 1897
Agronomy, KSAC 1916-1917
Tank Corps, Camp Polk, N.C.
Died Nov. 29, 1918

Warren L. Day
Belleville, Kansas
Born Nov. 28, 1895
Attended KSAC 1916
Enlisted Co. F, 139th Inf. AEF
Killed in action June 24, 1918

Floyd E. DeShon
Logan, Kansas
Born Oct. 12, 1895
Mechanical Engineer, KSAC 1914-1915
Corporal Co. C, 30th Inf.
Killed in action Oct. 13, 1918

Ernest Doryland
Junction City, Kansas
Born July 23, 1891
Graduated KSAC 1914 in Agronomy
1st Lt, Company E, 27th Infantry Regiment
Died April 23, 1918

Curtis V. Findley
Penokee, Kansas
Born June 7, 1896
Agronomy, KSAC 1914-1917
M.O.T.C., Fort Riley, Kansas
Died Oct. 18, 1918

Floyd L. Fletcher
Waldo, Kansas
Born March 5, 1895
General Science, KSAC 1915-1917
Sgt. 353rd Inf. AEF
Died March 28, 1919

George R. Giles
Wichita, Kansas
Born Nov. 4, 1893
Agronomy, KSAC 1913-1916
Enlisted 16th Inf., June 1917
Killed in action July 25, 1918

Ray F. Glover
Wamego, Kansas
Born Feb. 16, 1895
Electrical Engineer, KSAC 1915-1916
Lieutenant Aviation Section
Killed in Oct. 14, 1918

Lester D. Hamil
Tonganoxie, Kansas
Born Dec. 17, 1896
General Science, KSAC 1915-1916
Killed in action Sept. 12, 1918

Lester Hanawalt
Jewell, Kansas
Born March 27, 1893
Attended KSAC 1916
Enlisted Signal Corps, Dec. 1916
Died Jan. 9, 1918, Fort Sam Houston, Texas

Harry R. Heim
Lincoln, Kansas
Born March 27, 1883
B.S. degree, KSAC June 1916
First Lieutenant, 219th Engineers
Died in France, Feb. 25, 1919

Carroll D. Hodgson
Hutchinson, Kansas
Born May 29, 1898
Attended KSAC 1917-1918
Enlisted Company C, 137th Inf. AEF
Killed in action Sept. 28, 1918

George A. Hopp
Saguyah, Oklahoma
Born Dec. 28, 1896
B.S. degree C.E. KSAC 1915
Sgt. Company D, 2nd Engineers
Killed in action, France June 12, 1918

Harry F. Hunt
Manhattan, Kansas
Born Nov. 9, 1891
B.S. degree Vet. Med., KSAC June 1913
Enlisted July 1917, Inf. 25th Div. AEF
Died Feb. 6, 1919

Calvin L. Irwin
LeRoy, Kansas
Born Dec. 30, 1895
General Science, KSAC 1915-1917
Coast Artillery, Honolulu
Died Dec. 8, 1917, Fort Shafter

Charles C. Jones
Minco, Oklahoma
Born May 17, 1895
Agriculture, KSAC 1914-1916
Company C, 30th Infantry AEF
Died from wounds, Aug. 11, 1918

Clede R. Keller
Manhattan, Kansas
Born March 15, 1892
Animal Husbandry, KSAC 1915-1917
Lieut. Co. I. 137th Inf. AEF
Killed in action Sept. 28, 1918

Wilbur F. Lane
Jamestown, Kansas
Born Nov. 26, 1894
General Science, KSAC 1915-1916
Sgt. 349th Field Hospital Co.
Died April 16, 1918, Camp Dodge, Iowa

Carl F. Lasswell
Rossville, Kansas
Born Jan. 23, 1894
Agriculture, KSAC 1913-1915
Died in France, Oct. 6, 1918

Rollin H. Leedy
Cedar Vale, Kansas
Born Dec. 9, 1892
Attended KSAC 1917
Camp Funston, 70th Infantry
Died Oct. 10, 1918, Fort Riley, Kansas

Walter T. McKinney
Englewood, Kansas
Born Jan. 26, 1897
Electrical Engineer, KSAC 1917-1918
Died Oct. 18, 1918

George W. McVicar
Onaga, Kansas
Born Jan. 18, 1895
Agronomy KSAC 1916-1917
Enlisted Navy, December 1917
Died April 4, 1918, San Francisco

Glen G. Nicholas
Havensville, Kansas
Born Sept. 18, 1895
Attended KSAC 1913-1914
Corporal 137th Inf., 25th Div.
Killed in action Sept. 29, 1918

Willis Pearce
Manhattan, Kansas
Born January 27, 1881
Capt., Company F, 142nd Infantry Regiment, 36th Division, AEF
Died October 9, 1918

Delbert T. Pollock
Burlington, Kansas
Born Aug. 1, 1896
Agronomy, KSAC 1915
Enlisted Navy, June 3, 1918
Died Oct. 28, 1918, Seattle

Cedric H. Shaw
Pratt, Kansas
Born June 14, 1891
Agronomy, KSAC 1911-1913
First Lieut. Co. L, 11th Inf.
Killed in action Oct. 15, 1918

John P. Slade
Clay Center, Kansas
Born July 16, 1893
Electrical Engineer, KSAC 1912-1914
Lieutenant Field Artillery
Died Sept. 15, 1918

Joe R. Speer
Muscotah, Kansas
Born April 18, 1895
Civil Engineer, KSAC 1916-1917
Sergeant Co. I, 353rd Infantry
Died Nov. 2, 1918, France

Frank E. Sullivan
Greeley, Kansas
Born Sept. 22, 1893
Mechanical Engineer, KSAC 1913
Sergeant 354th Inf., 89th Div.
Died March 28, 1919, Camp Funston

Fred L. Taylor
Columbus, Kansas
Born Aug. 21, 1897
Agriculture KSAC 1915-1917
Died Oct. 12, 1918, Fort Riley

Ilo I. Taylor
Manhattan, Kansas
Born April 28, 1885
Attended KSAC 1916
First Lieut. 409th Engr., Camp Lee
Died Jan. 25, 1918, Camp Lee, Virginia

George Titus
Harper, Kansas
Born Nov. 22, 1895
Agronomy, KSAC 1914-1917
353rd Infantry, 89th Division
Died Oct. 2, 1918, Camp Funston

Loyd B. Vorhies
Alva, Oklahoma
Born April 12, 1897
Electrical Engineer, KSAC 1915-1917
First Lieut. Aviation Section
Killed in action July 11, 1918, France

Edward D. Wells
Wichita, Kansas
Born Dec. 2, 1896
Ind. Journalism KSAC, 1915-1917
First Lieut. 168th Inf., Rainbow Division
Died from wounds Sept. 20, 1918

George L. Wingate
Carlton, Kansas
Born Aug. 5, 1893
Attended KSAC, 1912-1913
Co. I, 38th Infantry AEF
Killed in action July 15, 1918

Howard Wood
Elmwood, Kansas
Born April 13, 1890
Corporal, 16th Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 2nd Division, AEF
Died June 23, 1918