Our Staff

Dr. Adam Walker ’04, ’09
President and CEO
Adam started with the Association in 2023. He is part of the Association’s fundraising
team and serves as a member of the university President’s Cabinet. He also serves
as the secretary of the Alumni Association's board of directors. He is responsible
for overall management of the Association, strategic planning and is the liaison for
the board of directors.
Contact Adam for questions regarding administration or fundraising.

Terin Walters '05
Vice president of marketing and communications
Terin started with the Association in 2006. Terin oversees the annual fundraising
and communications initiatives for the Association. She also directs the Traveling
Wildcats program, bowl activities and the alumni legacy scholarship program.
Contact Terin for questions regarding fundraising, communications or travel.

Megan Reichenberger '11
Senior director of membership and corporate relations
Megan started with the Association in 2020. Megan directs the Association's membership program and marketing. She also helps coordinate
the Association's affinity business partnerships, program sponsorships, K-State license
plate marketing, external advertising and oversees merchandise sales.
Contact Megan for questions regarding class rings, K-Stater magazine advertising, merchandise or sponsorships.

Matt Schwartz '04, '05
Business manager
Matt started with the Association in 2024. Matt is responsible for managing the business
affairs and providing oversight of human resource functions for the K-State Alumni
Association while overseeing all fiscal and business operations.
Contact Matt for questions regarding business operations, finance or human resources.

Lynn Beier
Executive assistant to the president and CEO
Lynn started with the Association in 1992. Lynn provides support services for the
president and CEO as it relates to the Alumni Board of Directors, fundraising and
university relations.
Contact Lynn for questions regarding the board of directors.

Asha Nagaraja
Accounting manager and human resources coordinator
Asha started with the Association in 2002. Asha manages the daily financial operations and audit procedures, and coordinates all human resource documentation and filings.

Ally Brooks '08
Administrative and travel coordinator
Ally started with the Association in 2012. She provides overall support services for
the administration team and coordinates the K-State license plates and Traveling Wildcats.
Contact Ally for questions regarding K-State license plates or Traveling Wildcats.
Alumni Center

Greg Akins '93
Alumni Center manager
Greg started with the Association in 2022. He is responsible for the day-to-day physical management of the Alumni Center, including all maintenance, security, equipment and room arrangements.

Abby Boyden
Alumni Center event coordinator
Abby started with the Association in 2023. She is responsible for Alumni Center event and room reservations.

Lorraine Jensby '85
Alumni Center receptionist
Lorraine started with the Association in 2017. Lorraine serves as the first contact for Alumni Association visitors and callers as well as provides support services for the general administration of the Alumni Association.

Travis Jensen
Alumni Center facility specialist
Travis started at the Alumni Center in 2008. Travis assists with maintenance projects and special requests, as well as provides custodial and room coordination services for Alumni Center event space and Alumni Association offices.

Linda Reim
Custodial specialist
Linda started at the Alumni Center in 2013. Linda provides custodial and room coordination services for Alumni Center event space and Alumni Association offices.

Salena Sauber '09
Director of communications
Salena started with the Association in 2019. She oversees the communications department and also is responsible for the website, social media, emails and marketing efforts for the K-State Alumni Link for Life app.

Tim Schrag '12
Editor, K-Stater magazine
Tim started with the Association in 2015. As editor, he is responsible for the K-Stater magazine including conception, planning, writing and layout. He also supports other communications functions.

Ashley Pauls
Associate director of communications
Ashley started with the Association in 2015. Ashley manages digital content for the blog, as well as produces the monthly e-newsletter, At K-State. She also is responsible for creating and executing emails and assists with other communications initiatives.

Darcie Riordan
Graphic designer
Darcie started with the Association in 2022. She is responsible for designing materials with the Alumni Association brand and the K-Stater magazine as needed.

Erin Depperschmidt
Graphic designer
Erin started with the Association in 2023. She is responsible for designing the K-Stater magazine and materials for additional Alumni Association programs and events.
Information Services

Jeanine Lake
Senior director of information services
Jeanine started with the Association in 1987. Jeanine oversees the information services
department, including alumni database management, membership operations and Association
networking technology and equipment.
Contact Jeanine for questions regarding alumni records, class notes or membership.

Crystal Danker (former student)
Director of data management
Crystal started with the Association in 1996. Crystal helps manage daily operations of the alumni database and records management, while also coordinating information requests.

Jacob Marintzer
Network and technology administrator
Jacob started with the Association in 2008. Jacob manages the Association productivity network. He also coordinates all technology software and equipment for the Association.

Anita Eagan
Data management assistant
Anita started with the Association in 2015. Anita maintains and updates records of alumni, friends and businesses on the alumni database.

Cindy Jones
Data management assistant
Cindy started with the Association in 2020. Cindy maintains and updates records of alumni, friends and businesses on the alumni database.

Melissa Krumm '10
Data management assistant
Melissa started with the Association in 2022. Melissa maintains and updates records of alumni, friends and businesses on the alumni database.

Scarlett Donnert '93
Data management assistant
Scarlett started with the Association in 2022. Scarlett maintains and updates records of alumni, friends and businesses on the alumni database.

Andrea Bryant Gladin '02
Vice president of alumni engagement
Andrea started with the Association in 2003. Andrea oversees all aspects of the programs
department, including alumni events, student programming and constituent activities.
She directs the Kansas City Wabash CannonBall gala and is the primary liaison for
the Association with university colleges and special interest organizations.
Contact Andrea for questions regarding alumni reunions, athletic pregame parties,
the Alumni Fellows program, Wabash CannonBall Kansas City and other constituent programs.

Michelle Elkins '87
Associate director of awards and special events
Michelle started with the Association in 2014. Michelle directs the Colorado, Houston
and North Texas Wabash galas. She also manages the Iman and Alumni Excellence Awards
along with various other special events and programs.
Contact Michelle for questions regarding Born to Be a Wildcat, faculty and alumni
awards, or the Colorado, Houston and North Texas Wabash CannonBall galas.

Alan Fankhauser '82
Associate director of alumni programs
Alan started with the Association in 2018. He works with the programs team in directing
in-state and out-of-state alumni club events, along with assisting the K-State Athletics
department with planning and coordinating Catbacker Club events and the Junior Wildcats
Contact Alan for questions regarding Alumni Clubs, Catbacker Clubs and Junior Wildcats

Tamie Redding '86
Associate director of student programs
Tamie started with the Association in 2020. She manages student programming for the
Association and all Homecoming activities for the university. She also serves as an
adviser for Student Alumni Board and Wildcats Forever.
Contact Tamie for questions regarding Homecoming, Student Alumni Board, Wildcats Forever
and other student programs.

Brandon Moreno
Assistant director of engagement and belonging
Brandon started with the Association in 2022. Brandon coordinates the Association's
programming efforts for multicultural and international alumni and develops engagement
opportunities around communities that identify through race, ethnicity and country
of origin. He is an SAB adviser and works with various other student programming.
Contact Brandon for questions regarding the Black Alumni Reunion, For Sophomores Only,
international programs or multicultural programs.

Heather Holborn (former student)
Alumni programs assistant
Heather started with the Association in 2018. Heather provides support services for the programs department while coordinating activities.

Erin Cleary
Alumni programs assistant
Erin started with the Association in 2023. Erin provides support services for the programs department while coordinating activities.
Student Employees

Landon Akins
Alumni Center

Sydney Smith
Alumni Center

Nathan Stanley
Alumni Center

Kylie Krause

Kylar Minton

Adrian Wynn