Meet our 2022 K-State Alumni Fellows (1 of 3)

Posted April 05, 2022

Alumni Fellows

Although they’ve since gone on to distinguished careers in fields like architecture, medicine and higher education, the 2022 K-State Alumni Fellows started their journey just like all other students at Kansas State University: in the classroom. 

They sat behind desks, studied, took notes, and gained the skills they’d later use to build successful careers. On April 20-22, they’ll return to campus – this time at the front of the classroom – to mentor current students and share what they’ve learned on their journey as K-State alumni. 

Since 1983, the K-State Alumni Fellows program has brought successful alumni back to campus to meet with students and faculty and to recognize their accomplishments. The program is sponsored by the K-State Alumni Association, the President's Office and the Deans' Council.

We’re excited to introduce you to this year’s group of Fellows, and share more about their K-State experience, as well as their advice for new graduates:

Justin Knopf

College of Agriculture
Justin Knopf '00

Knopf Farms
Gypsum, Kansas

How has K-State prepared you for your career?
K-State created an environment where I experienced the significance and value of relationships and the essential role they play not only in my personal life, but also in my career and community. As a K-State student, I learned solutions to complex problems can be found through careful observation, critical thinking and collaboration with others.

What advice would you offer current students as they graduate and begin pursuing their careers?
K-State has provided you with a solid foundation of how to learn, think critically, participate and lead. As many of life's most important things are, these are invisible, yet will be some of the most important in building a life of learning and fulfillment.

Brian Diederich

College of Architecture, Planning and Design
Brian Diederich '94

Vice president - interior design
Wynn Design and Development
Las Vegas, Nevada

How has K-State prepared you for your career?
K-State has taught me how to look at things from different perspectives and to consider any design challenge as an opportunity for improvement. K-State provided a holistic design approach including architecture/interior design, material and finishes, furniture and product design. This gave me the fundamentals to approach any design challenge.  

What advice would you offer current students as they graduate and begin pursuing their careers?
Always be confident in yourself, your skill and your K-State training – it's world class. Consider every detail and always consider your design work from the user’s point of view.

Mark Carlson

College of Arts and Sciences
Mark D. Carlson, MD, MA '77

Chief medical officer and senior vice president
Covanos, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia

How has K-State prepared you for your career?
K-State's scientific curriculum; opportunities to perform, present and publish research; and mind-broadening English literature, history, philosophy and honors program courses, prepared me well for a diverse career in academics, industry, government and public service. As a student – and particularly as a football equipment manager – I met and learned from people who came from backgrounds very different than my own, many of whom are friends to this day.

What advice would you offer current students as they graduate and begin pursuing their careers?
1) Set a goal and pursue it with passion. If you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?  
2) Make the most of your undergraduate experience by getting to know people from backgrounds different than yours and by joining organizations and taking classes that broaden your horizons.   
3) Open your mind. The world is often not what it seems and rarely what the pundits would have you think it to be. Examine all of the elements before you attempt to solve the equation.
4) Live long and prosper!

Nancy Siepman

College of Arts and Sciences
Nancy Siepman '81, '88

Head of ethics and compliance, R&D and Vaccine Business Unit - retired
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
Barrington Hills, Illinois

How has K-State prepared you for your career?
As a foreign student, K-State's environment allowed me to interact with students and professors of many nationalities which shaped my view of the world and encouraged open mind learning.  

What advice would you offer current students as they graduate and begin pursuing their careers?
Be open to challenges, not afraid to step out of the boundary of your expertise, listen broadly and follow your passion!

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