Ally Brooks '08
Administrative and travel coordinator
Maryland requires educational license plate holders to live in Maryland and be members
in good standing of the KSU Capital Area Alumni Club, Inc. (KSU-CAAC, Inc.)
Additionally, the State requires a special form to be filled out by the local alumni
club in order for an alumni member to purchase a K-State Maryland plate. You must
order your K-State Maryland plate through the KSU-CAAC, Inc. Treasurer, Keith Rush.
Please find the appropriate form(s) below and submit the necessary information to
Keith (his contact information is provided on the forms).
How to Order
There are two ways to be considered a member in good standing of KSU-CAAC, Inc. and
get a K-State Maryland plate.
1. Become an active member of the K-State Alumni Association
• Join the K-State Alumni Association
• Complete this PDF form and submit it to the KSU Capital Area Alumni Club, Inc.
2. Become an active member of the KSU Capital Area Alumni Club, Inc
• Join the KSU Capital Area Alumni Club, Inc.
• Complete this PDF form and submit it to the KSU Capital Area Alumni Club, Inc.
Local club contact:
Keith Rush, KSU Capital Area Alumni Club, Inc. treasurer
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