Ally Brooks '08
Administrative and travel coordinator
How do I get a K-State License Plate?
New plates can be purchased in your county treasurer's office, where you will pay
a one-time production fee of $45*, an annual tax-deductible donation of $50 that will
go to the K-State Alumni Association, and your annual registration fee and taxes.
*Subject to change.
How can I get a personalized K-State plate?
Anyone who wants a personalized K-State plate can check this website for customized
phrase availability: https://www.kdor.ks.gov/Apps/MotorVehicles. However, it is important to note that since a personalized plate cannot be purchased
online, your search result does not guarantee the plate availability. You will need
to visit your local Kansas county DMV/treasurer's office to actually purchase the
new plate.
When should I order my plate?
You may order a plate at any time. However, to avoid paying the annual donation twice
in one year, the best time to purchase a plate is during your annual vehicle registration
renewal process.
Who can purchase a plate?
Any Kansas resident with a car or truck registered in the state of Kansas may purchase
a K-State plate. The vehicle weight limit is 20,000 pounds.
Can I purchase a K-State License Plate for my motorcycle?
To purchase a K-State motorcycle plate, visit your Kansas county DMV/treasurer's office.
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