University shares update on student enrollment
Despite a challenging year caused by the ongoing pandemic, Kansas State University
has recorded its highest graduation rate in recent history — a rate that is higher
than the national average. Although overall enrollment is down 3% this fall at K-State,
recruitment of new freshmen and transfers has stabilized following several years of
smaller classes.
Total student enrollment is 20,229 for fall 2021 and includes increases in transfer
students, at K-State Salina, graduate students and new international freshmen and
international graduate students. New student enrollment — including new freshmen and
transfer students — dipped only 1% from last year.
K-State continues to lead all Regents institutions in key student success indicators:
the student retention rate of 86% is tied for highest, while K-State's six-year graduation
rate of 68.4% is the best and well above the 63.9% national average for four-year
doctoral institutions. Larger graduating classes have led to an overall decrease in
enrollment as smaller incoming classes in previous years work through the system.