Generations of Success Book
Remember Kansas State University's sesquicentennial with a copy of Generations of Success: A Photographic History of Kansas State University, 1863-2013 by co-authors Cliff Hight and Anthony R. Crawford.
The book traces the institution's humble beginning as the nation's first land-grant
college created after the passage of the Morrill Act to a comprehensive research university
with a vision of becoming one of the top 50 public research universities in the U.S.
by 2025.
Following a foreword by former K-State President Kirk Schulz and an introduction by
history professor Bonnie Lynn-Sherow on the significance of the land-grant college,
the 264-page book provides an engaging illustrative journey through K-State's first
150 years.
Front cover: Agriculture Field Day at K-State, 1911.
Price: $30
To order, contact:
Office of the President
Kansas State University