K-State shares 2020 enrollment numbers and other COVID updates
Fall 2020 enrollment at Kansas State University is mirroring national and state trends
related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The university’s overall enrollment is 20,854, down 865 students from a year ago,
for a 4% drop. Enrollment on the Manhattan campus is down 6.1% in all students, with
the majority of the dip in undergraduate student enrollment, which is down 6.9%. However,
Karen Goos, vice provost for enrollment management, added that the university’s strategic
enrollment management efforts are showing progress in the university’s recruitment
efforts with a 7.5% increase in applications before the pandemic.
"Our 4% drop is much lower than expected and we know the next year will bring strong opportunities for growth when our new Missouri Tuition Match Program, providing in-state tuition to qualified Missouri students, takes effect in fall 2021," Goos said (read more about the tuition match program). "Our new scholarship plans also are making a difference and helping more students, with more than $46 million awarded to K-State students this academic year."
On the growth side this fall, undergraduate enrollment is up on both the Kansas State
Polytechnic and K-State Olathe campuses. Online program enrollment also jumped by
10.8%. (Read more about the growth at Kansas State Polytechnic.) The most significant growth is in K-State’s student retention and graduation rates.
Freshman-to-sophomore retention is up 1.3% to a record 87.1%. Moreover, the student
retention rate is up 7% since the university put plans in place to reach a 90% retention
rate by 2025.
K-State will celebrate its spring, summer and fall 2020 graduates in combined ceremonies
on Nov. 20 for the Polytechnic campus and Nov. 20, 21 and 22 for the Manhattan campus. LEARN MORE
The shows must go on: McCain Auditorium launching new livestream series
In most years, the McCain Performance Series at K-State would be in high gear at this
time. But with the performance series canceled through December, McCain Auditorium
will offer a new livestream event series called McCain Connected, a collection of
curated shows only available online.
Most McCain Connected events will be free of charge, although there will be a few
where a ticket will be required for purchase to view the show. Some events will happen
live on the McCain stage or at other locations around the world, while others will
be prerecorded and made available exclusively to the McCain audience. Donations will
be accepted with links provided during the stream.
The K-State student performance season for theatre, dance and opera also has been
adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new approach is through a partnership between
the School of Music, Theatre and Dance, and the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and
Mass Communications. Structured similar to L.A. Theatre Works, an international leader
in audio theatre production, the adjusted performance season provides students the
opportunity to learn new storytelling methods, voice acting techniques and broadcasting
standards, while providing the Manhattan community and beyond free access to the students’
performances and artistry.
Virtual performances include an audio performance of “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare
and three original dance works created for the camera by K-State dance faculty.
Accommodating students and providing access for all during COVID-19
In October, Jason Maseberg-Tomlinson ’03, ’19, director of the Student Access Center,
presented a virtual talk on “Accommodating Students and Providing Access for All During
Maseberg-Tomlinson discussed ways to accommodate students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
He shared some of the new accommodations and questions that have arisen since March
2020. Maseberg-Tomlinson also gave an overview of the new accommodation system, AIM,
and how that can assist faculty with letters of accommodation and the Student Access
Center Test Center.