What purple pride is all about: K-State Student Ambassadors reflect on their year of service

Posted September 17, 2024

Student Ambassadors

A year ago during a special presentation at K-State’s Homecoming football game, K-Staters said hello to Avery Johnson and Andrew Bergmeier, the newest Wildcats to join the proud tradition of the K-State Student Ambassadors. 

For nearly 50 years, two Student Ambassadors have been elected by their peers on campus to serve as representatives for the university and the Alumni Association. They travel to events throughout the state and attend university activities, and they also serve on the Student Alumni Board and the Homecoming Student Committee.

It’s a big ask for busy full-time students, but it’s a role Johnson and Bergmeier have stepped into gladly, and one they will miss as they wrap up their term of service and prepare to pass the torch to the next team of Ambassadors in 2025. 

As Johnson and Bergmeier bid farewell to their role as Student Ambassadors, At K-State asked them to reflect, in their own words, on some of the things the experience taught them about themselves and the K-State community, and what they are most excited about/hopeful for in the future. 

From Avery Johnson 

Serving as a K-State Ambassador has been one of the most impactful and fulfilling experiences of my life. Traveling across the state of Kansas, I have gained a deep understanding of what “Purple Pride” truly means. This devotion to Kansas State University spans far beyond athletics, reaching into academics, long-standing traditions, and even into the hopes and dreams for future generations of Wildcats. The spirit of K-State is evident in every community I visited, and the pride people hold with their connection to the university is unmatched. 

Throughout my time as an ambassador, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing and participating in the cherished traditions that have shaped K-State’s past, present and future. From respect for our history to excitement for what lies ahead, the dedication to K-State is something that connects all Wildcats, no matter where they come from or what their role may be. This commitment, passed down from alumni and demonstrated by current students, will continue to inspire future Wildcats to carry on the university’s legacy. 

One of the greatest lessons I learned during my tenure is the vast impact of K-State. While the university’s influence is strong on campus, it also extends far beyond, reaching communities across the state, the nation and even globally. The connections K-State builds — whether through its graduates, research or campus initiatives — are a testament to the university’s mission to offer a place for all to make their dreams a reality. 

This experience has exceeded every expectation I had when I first applied to become an ambassador. I have had the opportunity to meet some of K-State’s most passionate supporters — individuals who truly bleed purple — and I’ve been inspired by their stories of how K-State shaped their lives. Most importantly, I’ve made lifelong friends that I will cherish forever. These friendships, along with the memories I’ve made, will stay with me long after my time as an ambassador ends. 

It has been an incredible honor to serve as a 2023-2024 K-State Student Ambassador. I will always be grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and the chance to represent a university that means so much to so many.  

From Andrew Bergmeier

During my tenure as a Student Ambassador at K-State, I learned more about myself and the community than I could have ever anticipated. Representing the university allowed me to see K-State from multiple perspectives — prospective students, current students, alumni and faculty — all of which deepened my appreciation for the diversity and unity within our community. I was amazed at the hard working and deeply passionate people who make our university continue to strive.  

Two of the most significant lessons I learned was the importance of authenticity and connection. As an ambassador, I had the privilege of being the first point of contact for many students considering K-State. This role taught me how vital it is to listen, understand and relate with others. I discovered that I enjoy helping people find their place and feel at home, which is something I hope to carry with me in all future endeavors. 

This experience taught me about the power of leadership and teamwork. Working with a group of passionate and dedicated individuals, I learned how collaboration and mutual support can turn a shared vision into reality. I developed confidence in my abilities to lead, communicate, adapt to various situations, and I added skills that I know will serve me well in the future. 

The K-State community has shown me the strength that comes from inclusivity and support. Whether it was welcoming new students or engaging with alumni, I saw firsthand how a strong, united community can create an environment where everyone feels valued and encouraged to succeed. This newfound understanding has made me more committed to fostering such environments wherever I go. 

In summary, the K-State community has shaped who I am today. Through this experience, I’ve come to understand the importance of inclusivity, strength in unity, and empathy. Whether I was welcoming new students or connecting with alumni, I felt the deep bonds that make K-State a place where everyone is valued and why our roots in tradition run deep. As I move forward, I carry with me the experiences of this opportunity, the lessons in leadership, and a heart full of gratitude. I am excited for the future, because I know K-State will be in good hands with whoever leads us next. 

Student Ambassadors

More about the Student Ambassador program