A letter from President Linton: K-Staters, we need your input!
Dear K-State alumni and supporters,
As you may have heard, we recently launched Next-Gen K-State, our year-long, university-wide strategic planning initiative to define our future
as a Next-Generation Land-Grant University.
Throughout this process, we will engaging with our students, faculty, staff administrators,
partners and friends – and also with you, our alumni. We view you as a key stakeholder
in this work and are eager to hear from you as we work together to shape our university’s
In the coming weeks, we will be distributing a link to an online, anonymous survey
to gather input from you. Please keep an eye out for this email. This survey should
take about 10 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous.
We want to hear what’s working at K-State, what we can improve, what we collectively
value as a university community, and how we should define our future vision and priorities.
We also want your feedback about what the Next-Generation Land-Grant University could be and how to best position K-State to be most successful and impactful within
our communities, the state of Kansas, the nation and the world.
Please make sure to complete the survey when you receive it and encourage members
of our alumni community to do the same. We want all members of our K-State community
to have an opportunity to provide their input, suggestions and comments.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to participate in this process. I look forward
to working with you to build the Next-Gen K-State.
Go 'Cats!
Learn more about our Next-Gen K-State strategic planning process.