Home Chef Discount
Home Chef is home cooking made simple and delivered right to your door. From 15 minute
meals to 30+ minute masterpieces with options for veggie, low-carb or cal-conscious
— you’ll find tons of meals that fit your changing schedule and tastes. Pick from meal
kit options like our no prep, no mess oven-ready kits or fancy up dinner with our
Culinary Collection.
Special offer: Kansas State University alumni save $190 with Home Chef! That’s up
to 19 meals free. Go to HomeChef.com/KSTATE and use the code KSTATE to pick your 19 free meals today!
*Maximum discount per box is $47.50. 19 Free meals discount does not apply to orders
fewer than 10 servings per week. New customers only. Once redeemed, full balance of
the offer expires 10 weeks after you sign up.