Terin Walters '05
Vice President of Marketing and Communications
The Endowment Wall includes gifts of $10,000 or more to support the Alumni Association
or maintenance of the Alumni Center. The Endowment Wall is located inside the west
entrance of the Alumni Center.
Kathy Alexander and Paul Lindsey
Brevard and Lucy Arndt
Kyle and Gail Antenen
David and Darcy Beaver, Steven and Kitchel Scheufler and Paul and Amy Lou Stephenson
Dan and Beth Bird
Andrew William Boettcher
Barbara E. Ball Boettcher
Jarold W. Boettcher
Melinda Suzanne Boettcher
Miranda Paige Boettcher
Gene and Mary Beth Bonnell
Lee Borck and Jackie Hartman Borck
Jerry and Deb Braden
Kent R. Bradley
John and Heather Button
Mark and Kristy Buyle
David E. Cink
Margaret Sughrue Carlson Citron
Charlie Claar Jr. and Rebecca Jackson-Claar
Gib and Brenda Compton
Terry and Tara Cupps
Loren and Willene Dilsaver
In memory of Robert and Elizabeth (Knostman) Doyle
Eric and Bonnie Droge
Steve and Brenda (Walters) Dunning, Hailey, Lauren and Grant
William R. and Dorothy (Dreese) Ekart
Norman and Janet L. Elliott
Jeff and Becky Ellison
Richard and Sharon Evers
Richard B. Fankhauser Family
Barry and Cathy Flinchbaugh, David, James and Catherine
Curt and Sherry Frasier
Kendal and Cindy Frazier
Ed Frey and Dr. BJ Wells and Family
Nelson and Marilyn Galle
Don and Linda Glaser
Doug and Tina Glover
James and Debra Gordon
John and Mary Lee Graham
Russell Clay Harvey
Jay Heidrick and Missy Decker-Heidrick, Molly and William
Frank and Veronica Hernandez and Family
James and Jada (Allerheiligen) Hill
Dave and Carolyn (Banks) Hinderliter
Hank and Sally Hoesli
Jim and Sherry Huschka, Ryan, Bryce, Kyle, Andrew and Justin
Nabeeha Kazi Hutchins and Coleman Roest Hutchins, Sanah and Coleman
Carl and Mary Ice
Larry and Rita Ihrig
Dr. Ron and Rae Iman
Carolyn W. Jackson
Jim and Laura Johnson
Steve, Ann, Lesley and Christopher Johnson
Todd and Mandy Johnson
Dr. Tony Jurich and Dr. Olivia Collins
Philip M. Kirk
William N. Kirk
Mel and Bonnie Kopf
Trent and Jody Lancaster, Maddy and Cooper
Travis Lenkner and Erin Delaney
Dale and Linda (Sigars) Linin, Carrie and Susie
Rich and Rachel Macha
Zachary Maier and Tim Oeljeschlaeger
Lynn and Jan Markel Family
Courtney M. Marshall
George and Ann McCandless
Melody and Alyssa McElwain
Max and Varena Mechsner
Larry and Sue Metheney
Ralph L. and Mildred M. Miller and Curtis L. and Ruth K. Ruthrauff
Allan V. and Chari (Lacey) Miller
Lyle, John, Katherine, Megan and Michael Moore
Audrey E. Mross
William L. Muir
In Memory of Charles R. Myers
Aaron Otto and the Delta Chi Fraternity
David Parmer
Brian Paulson
Harold Poe
Randy Rathbun
Allen and Amy Renz
Charles, Sandi, Deambra, Ashley and GregTim Roberts and Holly Sinderson Roberts
Barry and Marcia Robinson
Roy and Sylvia Robinson, Roy Jr., Sara, Cynthia and Herston
Lori (Francis) Rogge
Keith and Sally Rush
Mark, Deborah (Iman), Emma, Georgia and Audrey Schaefer
Galen and Brenda (Green) Schawe
Schwab-Eaton P.A.
Bill and Jan Shaw
In Memory of Carolyn L. Stratton
Phillip and Patricia Stroupe
Craig and Carolyn (Birch) Swann
The J.K. Vanier Family
Larry and Kay Weigel
Bruce, Susan (Iman), Johnathan, Michael and Andrew White
Herb and Mary Sue Whitney
Dan C. and Cheryl A. Yunk
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