K-State surpasses Innovation and Inspiration goal and extends campaign
At the KSU Foundation Board of Trustees spring meeting, Kansas State University President Richard B. Myers ’65 announced that the Innovation and Inspiration Campaign has surpassed its $1 billion goal ahead of schedule, and that a new goal has been set: $1.4 billion by 2020.
President Myers said the decision to extend the campaign was based on the extraordinary success of the effort thus far.
Funds raised through the campaign will continue to support students, faculty, facility enhancements and program support, and will propel K-State toward becoming a top 50 public research university by 2025.
Three signature drivers will lead the Innovation and Inspiration Campaign forward:
The land-grant mission of providing an accessible and affordable education to the people of Kansas and beyond.
Centers of excellence and interdisciplinary programs — areas where K-State has a competitive advantage and the potential to change the world.
Substantially increasing the endowment for the future of K-State through estate-planning gifts.
More Foundation news: A long-lasting gift
Instead of asking for kitchenware on their wedding registry, Janelle Phillips ’01
and Jan Elsasser ’01 asked for something more dear to their hearts — donations to
the oncology program at K-State’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
Tucker, Elsasser and Phillips’ Corgi of six years, passed away due to Lymphoma. From this experience, a bond was made between Elsasser, Phillips and the oncology department.
“Most of the wedding guests weren’t surprised about this. They know how much we cared about Tucker and all our dogs,” Elsasser said. “For us, it was a matter of being blessed with good health, wonderful families, amazing friends. There isn’t a thing we could possibly need, so our direction went back to Tucker. He was so well taken care of and we thought giving back would be a longer-lasting gift.”